Tata Mutual Fund approves merger of quant fund and flexi cap fund

Tata Mutual Fund has approved the merger of Tata Quant Fund and Tata Flexi Cap Fund with the quant fund being referred to as the transferor scheme and flexi cap fund referred to as the surviving scheme.

The record date for the merger is March 21, 2025. The fund house informed about this change to the unitholders through a notice.

In accordance with Regulation 18(15A) of the SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996, the exit option of 30 days, at prevailing NAV, without exit load will be given only to the unitholders of merging scheme i.e. Tata Quant Fund, said the notice.

The sale of units of the Tata Quant Fund (including switch-in & registration of systematic investment options) will stand suspended with effect from February 13, 2025.

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